Getting Started
- Quick Guide to PERSUIT for In-house Teams
- Guia Rápido para Equipes Internas da PERSUIT
- I've received a Welcome email from PERSUIT. How do I activate and set up my account?
- How do I create a new user account?
- How do I navigate the homepage?
- What email notifications will I receive during the request process?
Creating and Updating Requests
- Quick tips for getting started: Drafting & sending a request (VIDEO)
- Quick tips for getting started: Managing a request (VIDEO)
- How do I create a request and what are the different stages of drafting?
- How do I Withdraw or Cancel a Request?
- How do I reorganize Pricing Items and Questions in my request?
- How do I copy (duplicate) a request?
Reverse Auctions
- Reverse Auction Timeline Functionalities
- Why do I not have the ability to add an auction to my published request?
- How do I add a reverse auction to an existing request?
- What are the recommended Reverse Auction best practices?
- How do I change the auction type in my RFP?
- How do I cancel an auction?
Collaborating with Your Team
Inviting and Managing Firms
- How can I reopen requests to individual providers?
- How do I invite my firm contact to my request?
- How many firms can I invite to my request?
- What emails will a firm user receive when a request is first sent to them?
- What will the firms see after I send my Request?
- How do I add firms to my request after it has been published?
Reviewing the Request and Proposals
- How do I download individual proposals from my request?
- My request has numerous proposals to assess. How can I easily compare a chosen set of proposals?
- I am not satisfied with the prices I have received. What can I do?
- How can I export multiple proposals as a data report?
- How do I use the Proposal Analyzer?
Negotiating, Selecting the Firm, and Completing the Request
- What is the Letter of Engagement feature and how does it work?
- How do I give proposal feedback to a firm?
- How do I fully complete a request within PERSUIT?
- How do I select or award law firms in PERSUIT after running a request?
- What is the Negotiate feature and when should I use it?
- How do I mark a firm as unsuccessful?
Managing Templates
Scoping and AFA Resources
- Guide to AFAs - Videos
- Leveraging PERSUIT for Annual Rate Negotiations / Reviews
- PERSUIT's Pricing Items and fee types
- When should I ask for a Total Price?
- Pairing a material deviation clause with your AFA / Fixed Fee Arrangement (and sample language)
- What are the best instructions to give for a blended hourly rate?
Analytics and Reporting
- Insights analytics dashboards: how do I use them and which data can I find and export?
- How does PERSUIT handle currency conversion?
- Which data points can I find in the Insights reports?
- How do I exclude a request from Insights?
- How does PERSUIT's Price Benchmarking provide insights into Fixed Fees and Hourly Rates?
- How do I use the Adjusted Savings and Adjusted Spend override?
Rate Review Pro
- How do I create a request in Rate Review Pro?
- What are the available Practice Areas in the Rate Review Pro filters?
- How do I compare rates and strategy across firms in Rate Review Pro?
- How can I view detailed rates of an individual firm in Rate Review Pro?
- How do I export rate cards in Rate Review Pro?
- What kind of information can I find in the exported Rate Review Pro rate card report?
- How can I manage my email notifications in PERSUIT?
- VIDEO HOW-TO: How to configure Global Email Notifications and update Profile Details
- How can I change the password to my account?
- I use PERSUIT to engage outside counsel but I’ve been invited as a vendor to participate in a request. How can I find the request I’ve been invited to?
- Settings - How To
- What are the different user access roles and permissions?