Why is this important for your organization?
- Improves your data accuracy and reporting, using confirmed figures rather than estimations. For example:
- Agreed spend
- Savings calculations
- Firms' win % rate
- Provides clarity to firms on where they stand and which opportunities they did or did not win.
- Therefore facilitating a dialogue about how the firms can do better for you in future.
- Keeps your RFP home dashboard tidy so you can focus on requests that are still active.
How do I select the proposal(s)?
There are two areas where you can accept a proposal:
1. Select View Proposal for the firm you wish to select. You can then click Select at the top right corner of the proposal.
2. When viewing proposals in the comparator view, you can select a proposal by clicking on the Select button underneath the View Proposal button.
In either scenario above, upon clicking, you will be prompted to choose how you'd like to notify the selected firm and the remaining firms:
- Notify selected firm and remaining firms: selected firm will be notified; remaining firms will be notified that they have been unsuccessful. You will be unable to select additional firms.
- Notify selected firm only: other firms will not be notified. You will be able to select additional firms.
- Do not send notifications: selected firm will not be notified; remaining firms will not be notified. You will be able to select additional firms.
If you would like to see the message that Firms receive after being awarded or marked as unsuccessful, please view this article here.
What should I do after I select the firm(s)?
- Give proposal feedback to your selected and unselected firms. You can view this article to learn more about giving firms feedback after a request.
- Mark the request as Complete to help close the loop for your colleagues and firms. This article here has more information on how to complete the request.
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