Creating and Updating Requests
- Quick tips for getting started: Drafting & sending a request (VIDEO)
- Quick tips for getting started: Managing a request (VIDEO)
- How do I create a request and what are the different stages of drafting?
- How do I Withdraw or Cancel a Request?
- How do I reorganize Pricing Items and Questions in my request?
- How do I copy (duplicate) a request?
- How do I use the Grouping Feature to group phases or deliverables together?
- How do I attach a file to my request or proposal?
- What's the difference between Total Price and Comparison Value?
- What are the question types in the Questions section of a request?
- How do I revise the request timeline for proposal deadline and auction?
- When I export a draft request to PDF or print, how can I make sure the text highlighting stays visible?
- How do I edit or update my request after it's been sent?
- How do I change the currency of a request?