Conflict Check
If you have turned on Conflict Check, when a firm accesses your Request they will first see the Conflict Check information you provided when drafting the RFP. They will not be able to see any details of the request until they have cleared those conflicts.
Conflict Check can be toggled on or off while your Request is still in draft. This means that once the request has been published, it is not possible to change the Conflict Check option.
Each firm must confirm on PERSUIT that they have no conflict before a person from that firm can first view your Request. PERSUIT only requires one person at a firm to clear conflicts.
If the Conflict Check is not turned on, the first thing they will see will be the Participation status question.
Private Messages channel
Each firm will see a private Messages channel, even before they clear conflicts. You can communicate privately with firms in relation to potential conflicts in your private external Messages channels with that firm.
All firm recipients will receive emails and PERSUIT app notifications relevant to their participation on the Request.
What firms will not see
Firms will only see the information displayed in the Preview screen. They will not see which other firms are participating, any information from competing proposals, except price if the Request setting allows, or any information relating to Scorecards.
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