Every request will have a dedicated, private Messages feature that allows you to communicate with anyone who has access to the request.
In your PERSUIT homepage, you'll be able to find the requests that have unread messages with an unread messages icon attached to the request card.
Once in the request, you can find the Messages feature at the top of the request.
When the Messages button is clicked, the Messages widget will appear to the right of the screen.
You'll see a search bar, above the channels, allowing you to search for a specific firm.
Individual channels, below the search bar, are organized by two activity groups: a Recent group and a No Activity group.
The Recent group will be shown at the top with channels that have unread messages appearing first, and then channels having recent activity underneath.
The No Activity group will appear second, below the Recent group, and hold the channels that have no messages at all.
There are two main channel types in the Messages feature: the Internal Channel and External Channel.
The Internal Channel is a private system where you and your colleagues can speak about the current request. The internal channel will have a purple icon with the word (Internal) at the end of your organization's name. Any person at your organization who has been given access to the request will have access to this internal channel and the messages within it. The firms you have invited to the request will not see any messages exchanged in this channel.
The External Channel is a system that allows you to message directly with the firms that have been invited to participate in this request. The external channel will have a gray icon next to the firm's name. This is where you can answer questions they might have sent regarding the request or where you can ask them questions regarding their proposal. This external channel is private between your organization and the specific firm - no other firms have access to this messaging channel.
There is a Download/Export icon within the Messages widget that allows you to download all the messages in the specific request.
When you click the Download/Export icon, it will take you to a page where you can customize the export before you select Print/PDF. You can choose to include the automatic bot messages and the members in each channel using the toggles at the top right of the screen.
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