PERSUIT’s Insights analytics dashboards help you understand how your organization is performing with its use of the PERSUIT platform and the value it is driving.
This reporting defaults to include all sent requests. If you would like to exclude (or re-include) a request from our reporting features, you can do so via:
Note: such changes will be reflected after 6 hours.
Excluding a request through analytics settings:
To navigate to the Analytics Settings, find Settings in the navigation bar.
Within Settings, select Analytics settings.
All requests listed have been published. You will not see any draft requests. You can search for the request you’d like to exclude, or re-include, a few different ways. The first is by scrolling the list.
The second is by using the PERSUIT ID (the REQ number), in the search bar.
The final way is by using your browser's ‘Find’ shortcut (normally Ctrl+F or ⌘+F).
Once you identify the request, you’ll see a toggle on the right hand side. If it’s toggled on and purple, the request is included in reporting analytics. If it’s toggled off and gray, the request is NOT included.
In this Analytics Settings page, you must press Save Changes and the top of the page to confirm any changes. If you do not press save and move on to another page, all changes will be lost.
Excluding a Request through the Homepage toggle:
In the lower half of the Homepage, you will find requests that you are working on or that have been shared with you. In any request card, click on the down arrow icon on the right.
This will expand the request card to show further information. You’ll see a Track in Analytics toggle at the bottom left of the request card. If the toggle is purple, it will be included in reporting analytics. If the toggle is gray, this request will NOT be included in the reporting analytics.
This toggle has an automatic save - no manual saving is required.
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