Revising your Rate Review Pro proposal can be a simple process in the PERSUIT platform.
Click Proposal Sent of the proposal you'd like to revise within the specific request.
Once in the detailed view of your proposal, click the Revise Proposal button at the top of the navigation bar. Note: You will only be able to see the Revise Proposal button if the status of the request is still 'Open to Proposals'. If in the 'Evaluating' status, you will need to reach out to the client in order to have them reopen the request for you to revise your proposal.
You will be taken to the proposal drafting screen. This allows you to edit any rate card in the Rates section or answer within the Questions section that you would like to update.
If any edits to your proposal have been made, you can use Revision Comments box found at the top of the proposal to summarize and provide context to your changes.
After all the necessary edits have been made, select Submit found at the top navigation bar to send and finalize the edits you've made.
You'll know your edits have been successfully added when the Revision History section appears with your latest change. You'll find this Revision History section at the top of the request in the detailed view.
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