New Features
World Currency Additions
Users are now able to use any currency when creating requests. While we made incremental changes to add currencies over time, this updates includes a one-time overhaul to ensure that over 170 world currencies are now available in the platform.
How are the currencies presented in app?
- In the pricing section, a user can select a currency from the drop down list. The order of the list is populated by the three most commonly used currencies at the top of the list. Following that, the currencies are then listed in alphabetical order.
- For quick access, users can search directly in currency field and the list will display currencies that match their criteria. Currencies are searchable by symbol or name.
- The currencies list also exists in the 'Organization Profile' section in Settings.
Does this flow through to data reports?
- Yes, changes have been made which will see the new currencies available in Insights.
How will currency conversions be managed?
- Insights leverages exchange rate data to convert any currency back to USD. Users can select any currency to covert their reporting, including for their past RFPs.
Accessibility Improvements
As part of our ongoing Accessibility updates, we have made several improvements across the app to make every page and component accessible:
- The app is now keyboard and screen-reader friendly for the visually impaired.
- Greater consistency of UI and design.
- Alignment for colors and styles.
- Ensuring our key user journeys meet WCAG 2.1 standards (AA)
- Design conventions are established to ensure further updates are always accessible.
Small Changes
- Insights V2 has new tooltip improvements along with a new date range picker
- Rich text custom tracking fields now support up to 5000 characters, whereas previously it was 800. This is to support our HighQ integration.
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