Timezone changes
When creating an RFP clients must now select a timezone.
Selecting a timezone makes scheduling an RFP for a timezone other than your own local time much easier.
This timezone information is also used in the dates/times shown in emails.
The timezone can be changed in the “Change due date” (“Change Timeline” for auctions) dialog.
Two new proposal compare table Excel sheets
These two new sheets are in the Excel file produced when the user selects the “SIMPLIFIED COMPARISON AND PRICING” option.
New “Items Price Comparison” sheet
This is the first sheet in the simplified comparison and pricing Excel document.
It shows every pricing item and price for each proposal in the RFP.
It does not show sub-items.
New “Questionnaire Comparison” sheet
This is the second sheet in the simplified comparison and pricing Excel document.
It shows every answer for each proposal in the RFP.
Frozen Toolbar for clients
The context action bar for the RFP form and RFP detail on the client side is now fixed to the top of the screen.
As the user scrolls down the page the CAB remains visible at the top of the screen.
Small changes
- Improvements to “Bid Summary” analytics report.
This applies to both the “Bid Summary” and “Bid summary (including custom tracking fields)” reports.
Renamed the “Status” column to “Selected firm“.
When there is no selected firm we previously showed the RFP status, now just showing a dash —.
Update email template for unread messages email
This email notification was using the older email template.
Now updated to use the newer template. -
Changed background colour on login form header.
New colour on the left.
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