Price Benchmarking
We have added an Industry filter to the Price Benchmarking feature. This will provide greater specificity for searches in the fees tab.
We have also added a graphical interface in this iteration. The user-intuitive interface will load as the default view for benchmarking. The tabular data is still available by selection in the filter at the top right.
Rate Card Auctions Improvements
We’ve introduced an ‘Average of all rates’ number to assist when comparing auction events that only contain rate cards. This number is the average of all rates provided by the firms’ pricing section.
This update is designed to bring more clarity, addressing key limitations that have impacted comparisons in the past. With the new ‘Average of all rates’ calculation, we’re ensuring that rate cards are now fully comparable, displaying real-time deltas and track changes over time.
Updates to the Insights feature
We have made several changes to our Insights feature and additions to the Real-Time Business Review feature.
Addition of a 'Team Name' column to RFP details table in Insights
This allows the filtering and analysis of data more effectively based on team membership. Additionally and importantly, this column can be used to identify which team each user belongs to.
When exporting Excel files from Insights the file name will reflect the name of the table being exported (for single tables)
This change will help assist with distinguishing between numerous files that may have been exported - particularly during analysis.
WORTH NOTING: When multiple tables are exported, the file name defaults to “insights-data” and the current timestamp.
Ensuring Insights pages remain ‘independent’ (filters are retained) when the feature is open in multiple browser tabs
When Insights is open in multiple browser tabs for the purpose of comparison, the filters applied in one tab are now longer replicated in the secondary tab(s). Previously thus has lead to limited ability in comparing the results of specific filter selections.
Added a custom date range filter to RTBR
This allows the selection of a custom date range, providing a more specific view of results
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