The PERSUIT platform allows you to easily unpublish a template. You may wish to unpublish a template to make edits, or archive an old template but maintain a record of the original template. Additionally, you have the option to allow or disallow the usage of PERSUIT templates within your organization under the PERSUIT tab.
Note: You must have Template Manager access to unpublish a template. To request Template Manager access, email our Support team at
Unpublishing an individual organization template:
In the main Manage Templates page, make sure you're in your organization's tab. In this case, the organization is ACME Inc. which means you should be in the ACME INC. tab.
Click on the template you'd like to unpublish.
Click on Unpublish found at the top right when in the details of that template.
You can review your decision, then press Unpublish again to complete the process.
You will know that the template has been unpublished because the status bar will change from a green Published status to a yellow Unpublished status.
Disallowing PERSUIT templates for your organization:
In the main Manage Templates page, go to the PERSUIT tab. You'll be able to see a list of all the existing PERSUIT templates.
At the top right of the template list, you'll see a toggle where you can Allow users to create requests using PERSUIT templates. If the toggle is purple, that means PERSUIT templates are enabled for your organization and can be used by any of your colleagues.
To disable and disallow the PERSUIT templates for your organization, simply click the toggle. You'll then see a pop-up asking you to confirm your decision.
Once the decision has been confirmed, the toggle will go back to gray and you'll see a green announcement box at the bottom of your screen communicating that the PERSUIT templates have been disabled.
Note: You must have Template Manager access to unpublish a template. To request Template Manager access, email our Support team at
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